The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

While I have no doubt that there are Spirit Beings, I have come upon no sufficient way of completely and effectively explaining what a Spirit Being is made of, where it lives, and how it can move...

The prevalence of SMS phishing scams is increasing in today's digital landscape. Recent research has provided new insights into the scope and sophistication of these scams.

The concept of cultural entrepreneurship has many facets. It encompasses both the cultural and social impact of entrepreneurial training, and the environmental factors that influence its development.

The reality may be hard to recall, but these devices have profoundly transformed the way we relate to the world and others in the past fifteen years or so.

Gotland has been a popular holiday destination for decades, but recently Swedish commander-in-chief, Mikael Bydén, claimed that Russian president Vladmir Putin “has his eyes” on the island.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

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Shakti Gawain
Sometimes, even though we have spent most of our lives not being in touch with our inner child, our first attempt will be very easy. The child has been waiting for us and wanting that contact with us....
Difficulties we are having in our relationships often mirror parts of ourselves that we need to heal. Such difficulties may involve a family member, a close friend, a coworker, or even a clerk in a st...
It has been tremendously helpful for me to understand the difference between consciousness and spirituality. Spirituality is one type of energy — the energy that links us to our deepest essential natu...
If we accept that life is always trying to teach us exactly what we need to learn, we can view everything that happens to us as a gift. Even experiences that are uncomfortable or painful contain withi...
There are many ways we can learn to tap into the wisdom within us. One way is to allow yourself to make contact with an image of a very wise being who is your adviser, your spirit guide, your helper,...
True prosperity is not something we create overnight. It is not a fixed goal, a place where we will finally arrive, or a certain state that we will someday achieve. It is an ongoing process of finding...
This exercise is designed for very deep relaxation. The instructions given here will help you achieve a balanced and effective relaxation response in a minimum of time.
Sometimes people on a spiritual path feel a hesitation about using creative visualization. Their conflict comes from the apparent paradox between the idea of “being here now,” letting go of attachment...
Making a "treasure map" is a very powerful technique, and fun to do. A treasure map is an actual, physical picture of your desired reality. It works along the same lines as a blueprint for a building....
If we learn to see our relationships as the wonderfully accurate mirrors they are, revealing to us where we need to go with our own inner process, we can see much about ourselves that we would otherwi...
We all instinctively understand the basic functions of feminine and masculine energies, but we may not realize that they both exist in each person. Women have become the symbols of female energy; men...
Our old ideas of parenting usually involve trying to follow some behavior standard to be a "good parent." As you learn to trust yourself and be yourself spontaneously, you may find yourself violating...
Each of us has male and female energies within us. We need to develop these energies fully, so they can interact in harmony with each other. Some people have resistance to the words female and male....
Many parents think they have to protect their children from their (the parents’) confusion or so-called negative feelings. They think that being a good parent means maintaining a certain role — always...
by Shakti Gawain. The people in our lives who make us uncomfortable, who annoy us, who we feel judgmental or even combative toward, reflect parts of ourselves that we reject -- usually aspects of our...